No Tweets From This Twitter Bird #TwitterCensored #TwitterBlackout

Once again there is war on the internet. A little less than two weeks after our battle against SOPA, we need to get geared up again because Twitter like so many other companies, has chosen to go back on their word. On Thursday, Twitter announced that they now reserve the right to censor tweets on a country to country basis. This would allow them to comply to local government laws pertaining to information censorship. 

iWhale Rock You

I'm sure all of you know about the iPhone Whale and Twitter's Fail Whale. 

Well let me introduce you to my iPhone's other whale friend! 

What is SOPA/PIPA? & How You Can Stop It

We've survived yesterday's Wikipedia blackout but how many of you know what was behind it? The blackout might be over but the cause is still lurking behind the shadows. That cause is two bills which are going before congress, the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). SOPA's targets are "rogue" foreign sites like The Pirate Bay, which are hubs for illegal downloads. Although the general public is not the target here, it affects all of us. Essentially, SOPA/PIPA is all about revenge. The record labels and movie studios can't attack overseas pirates so they go after the internet instead...and we're all caught in the war. Can you imagine your life without another torrent? What about the use of censored searches to stop these sites? What else do you think they'll censor? 

I've actually read the bill which can be found here but to save you some time, you can watch the video below to get a better idea of what SOPA/PIPA really is and how it could affect you. 

Once you've learnt the facts, make sure you sign the petition at so that Congress will say no to SOPA/PIPA. 

Apple - Jobless?

I have returned from my hiatus for this day that bound to go down in tech history. Just moments ago, it was announced that Steve Jobs has resigns from the position of Apple's CEO. 

Aug. 24, 2011-- To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: 
I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. 
I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee. As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple. 
I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role. 
I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you. 

Ever since he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, each medical leave that Jobs has taken over the years posed the question of "Will Apple Survive without Steve Jobs?" Well it's time for us to find out. If you know anything about Apple's history, you'll know that in Jobs has not always been a part of Apple. In 1976, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne founded Apple and later hired John Sculley to be the company's CEO. By the end of May 1985, Jobs left the company and moved on to found NeXT Computers and buy the company we now know as Pixar. These were dark days for Apple until Jobs returned in 1997, saving them from bankruptcy. 

Based on Apple history and Apple's stocks (which have dropped 7% since the announcement and each time Steve has been absent) it seems as if Steve Jobs is Apple's key to success. With Steve Jobs and his black turtleneck being as iconic as the Apple logo itself now, there is no doubt that Apple won't be the same without him. 

Apple and its fan boys have lost a true visionary of a leader. I highly doubt that Tim Cook will be able to fill those shoes. However I'd like to believe that the Apple staff has learnt enough from Steve and their past mistakes to keep the legacy going. As brilliant as Description: Jobs is, no company's faith should depend on one man. It also helps that he's not completely leaving Apple just yet, he's simply downgrading to Chairman of the Board and director.

What’s your take on it? Can Apple carry on its success without Steve Jobs’ magic? 

Jamaica's Paving the Road to the Information Highway

Photo Credit: LuckyLuque
So in local news, on April 6th, 2011, Lime (Cable and Wireless) and Flow (Columbus Communications) signed an agreement with the government of Jamaica to build a broadband island-wide network which will provide internet access to schools, libraries, post offices and other locations across Jamaica. The toll to get onto this highway? $543 million!